Monday, February 6, 2012

Iditarod Dog Sled Race Classroom Projects

The annual Iditarod Dog Sled Race that commemorates the 1925 emergency dog sled run to bring serum to diphtheria-stricken villagers in Nome, and the race's website offers a lot of instructional ideas and tools for teachers who might like to follow the race and help their children learn according to standards.

One option is to write letters and send them with the mushers (drivers). Read the instructions carefully and observe the deadline for mailing on February 12 if you want a musher to carry your class letter. I haven't done this in a while, but it was easy as it came with the requirement of one-page only since this stuff is going by dog sled. You should also tell your students that the letter might not get returned due to sled spills, driver's not sending it back, or it might get back, but not until late. You can follow the progress of the race which begins March 3rd this year. The race takes between 10 to 17 days for the racers.

My musher for the year I did this was great, and an interesting man who was born in Switzerland, married an American, lives in Alaska raising sled dogs, and fights fire in the lower 48 states during the summer.

The website has a very nice list of books for all ages that can provide you with reading that ties in with the race and the habitat.

This is the link to the website.

This is a link specifically to the instructions on sending material to be carried by dog sled. Read carefully.

This is a great way for students to learn about different lifestyles and different habitats.

Yahoo! for bringing you my shout out on this dog sled race.

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