Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kids, Writing, Blogging

All it took was one paraprofessional showing two boys how to set up a blog when they couldn't use notepad to display some website material they had developed at home to set off an interest in blogger. At least one of them comes in almost daily to scope out the policy on blogger, and that attracts two or three others to come over and join the discussion on cyberbullying and school district filtering policies. I have assured them if we ever hear that it has been approved, that I will help them start blogging. They all want to write about video games they play, ideas for new games, and hand-held game devices.

Personally, I'd love to read TechnoGeek's blog; he spouts forth the genealogy of the games in a Genesis-like session of begat, begot, begotten that is quite ironic since he's the self-proclaimed atheist.

If you were to hand them a piece of paper and ask them to write something on it in here at recess, you would clear out the library, but find out you can write on the internet, that's another thing. Writing in a word processing program is not all that cool; too much like a regular class assignment.

Do it in Blogger, click "Publish," and you're live in Cyberspace with fellow humans and aliens listening in for intelligent life forms.

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